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baby einstein – Baby Animals


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For a lesson in beginning-letter sounds, see how many other animals you and your child can come up with for the letters A through Z. For example, C isn’t just for cat; it’s also for cow, camel, clam, chipmunk, cardinal, and crow.
β€’ Explore a new concept each time you read this book with your baby: encourage her to imitate the sounds and movements of each animal; talk about the animals’ colors and how their coats, skin, or feathers might feel; or invite her to point out specific body parts, such as tails, wings, legs, eyes, and ears.
β€’ Take your child to see baby animals in person! Spring is probably the best time to contact local farms about “new arrivals.” Vocational- agricultural (Vo-Ag) high schools are also a great resource, since many raise and care for animals right on their campuses and often offer special community-based programs for children.

Age : Suitable for 1+ years

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