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Bob the Builder- Bob’s Birthday and other stories – Hardcover Book


😞 Sold out! Why not look for something else

😞 Sold out! Why not look for something else

Bob’s Birthday and Other Stories

Four stories to enjoy:

Bob’s Birthday
Bob thinks everyone has forgotten his birthday. However, Wendy is planning a surprise party!

Scoop Saves the Day
Pilchard gets stuck up a tree and needs to be rescued. Can Scoop help, and save the day?

Wendy’s Big Match
Bob and the team are in a football competition. Can Wendy get the new pitch ready for the match?

Runaway Roley
Roley starts rolling in his sleep! Follow the trail of destruction as Roley trundles along.

Country of Origin : UK

Age : Suitable 5+ years

βœ… PreHugged Check βœ…
πŸ‘ – Excellent condition


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